Mental Health Friends, Partnership Discussions: Art for Wellbeing

A great inter-agency discussion about Creative Change workshops and the benefits of art for wellbeing.  (Filmed before the drastic hair change!)

We have a 5 mins film with some sound distortion but… on the plus side;

  • the picture is good

  • the setting is good

  • I think we’ve managed to include key topics that we talked about together on the day

  • It encompasses our passion and heart for bringing about future projects

    (That we want/need to fund)

We’re three real people in a real place talking together… and perhaps, as with art, the recording doesn’t need to be perfect to be meaningful…#kintsugi philosophy and auto-captioning!

Team work makes the dream work. Multi-agency conversations bringing about positive change through community action. Simon King, Peter Richards and Hannah Ari...

Origin Story- Tearful Treasures

What happened in 2018 that made me drop everything to pursue an Art Career?

Between 2017-2018 I was hospitalised with sepsis following the breakdown of my marriage. I felt like my whole world had coming crashing down around me. Thankfully I had some good friends around to help me back on my feet. Once fully recovered physically, I had a renewed appreciation of life and Art became my therapy. It helped me process the pain and rediscover who I was. I made my first public collection entitled ‘The Fragile Heart Series ‘, in the summer of 2018 which debuted at Art Fair East and was later exhibited at The Brick Lane Gallery in London. The collection was created from the depths of despair, but it took me on a journey towards healing and wholeness. Kintsugi philosophy became my reality.


I realised that true treasure was never academic success, marital status or material wealth. I had everything I needed, and I wanted to bring that message to other people. True treasure (to me) was a small shell collected on the beach, token reminders of precious moments and the simple beauty that is all around. I created a piece entitled ‘Treasure is all Around’ which was later sold at the Fine City, Fine Art Auction in Norwich Cathedral Grounds. I discovered ‘collateral beauty’. We all face a pivotal moment, at some point, when we re-evaluate our priorities and begin a journey of self-discovery. As I continue to move forward, my hope is to make beautiful works of art that inspire and uplift; created with understanding and insight. I am working hard and living my life fully. My kintsugi heart has been repaired with gold and I am ready to take on the world. ‘There are plenty more shoes in the shop’.


Cinderhannah/Hannah Aria

The remaining pieces of The Fragile Heart Series will be displayed at The Prettys Biannual Art Exhibition, Ipswich from 7th November 2019- 14th April 2020 and are available to purchase.

The remaining pieces of The Fragile Heart Series will be displayed at The Prettys Biannual Art Exhibition, Ipswich from 7th November 2019- 14th April 2020 and are available to purchase.