What a Week!

So much to share this week! Learning to surf this second wave of lockdown and quite a few things to be grateful for!

1st up The Herd are getting virtually active online as the second wave of lockdown create a new opportunity for new recruits! Check out downloadable colouring pages and instructional videos below (Click Join Herd Community button below).

2nd announcement- You can now take a virtual tour of The Global Events Exhibition and check out Suffolk stories and my Portraits for Heroes work. (Click virtual tour button below)

3rd announcement….I have finally submitted the National Lottery Project Grants Proposal Application! Once we have secured funding, we can begin getting ready for Creative Change Workshops online in 2021! Bigger, better and bolder! You have been warned!

4th announcement…last but not least!!!!

I am proud to announce that I have been accepted to join the board for Unlimited!!!

#lifegoals #cinderhannah #bethechange


Have you Herd?

The Herd Community (Not Herd Immunity) are moving in to The Hold (Suffolk Archives) at Ipswich Water Front. The virtual herd were created during the lockdown to keep people creating and connected via a facebook page (Ipswich Herd Community). The elephants and mammoths were made from upcycled milk bottles and hundreds of fabulous characters have been produced. ‘Stellaphant’, ‘Sir Trumps-a-lot’, ‘Unicornphant’, ‘Britney the Hairy Mammoth’-post head shave, ‘telephant’ and many many more. They should be ready for the public to see by October Half Term as part of The Global Events Exhibition: Suffolk Stories. Book your places now. Many of the submissions will go on the be donated to The Ipswich Museum Collection for future generations to enjoy.

The Hold is Open! Check out the Global Events Exhibition!

Hannah is exhibiting x2 of her #portraitsfornhsheroes works at the Global Events Exhibition at The Hold, alongside lockdown creations from Creative Change Workshops. This stunning building is a much needed exhibition space in Ipswich bringing Suffolk stories to life.

change in charcoal.jpg

Our First FB and YouTube Live Event Was a Blast!

If you missed the live stream last night you are able to catch up here.

We had a ball 🤹🏼‍♀️🦄🦚🎪🎠
Grayson Perry and Keith Lemon: You have competition 🤣 If you would like to be a guest on the livestream next Friyay please get in touch. We will be exhibiting the week 2 tutorial work on ‘Dragonfly Art’.

It’s not too late to sign up for the workshops and you can dip in and out as you please. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel too!

Simply search 'Creative Change Workshops' on YouTube or get links emailed to you if you are on our mailing list.

We had a few issues with messaging on YouTube this week but it should now be fully resolved. We can’t wait to hear from you and see your fantastic creations!


Live Show & Tell

Grab a drink and join me live this Friday evening at 8pm UK time for a show and tell session of week 1's pebble art workshop. Contact me via my website https...

Covid 19 Online Antics: @Ipswichherdcommunity

Not Herd Immunity! Herd Community!

Art challenge for all. Create and share your elephants to join our virtual herd. Use what you have and give it a go. we can't wait to see what you create. Join the movement! https://www.facebook.com/IpswichHerdCommunity/

Priceless Treasures- My Greatest Creation

‘My Greatest Creation’ debuted at Art Fair East in 2018 and is now a contending submission for The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2020. The story behind the work:

At 18 years old I had been living alone in hostel (homeless) accommodation for 2 years and had some how managed to stay in school. I remember at 16, going out all night with my friends then returning to the hostel to shower and change before catching the bus to school (having had no sleep). 6th Form was better and I was studying Art and Performance Studies which I loved. Lancaster University had given me a conditional offer to study Art and Performing Arts which was my escape route from the poverty trap. My impulsive nature meant that I didn’t always make the best choices; often looking for love in all the wrong places. Needless to say that when I found out I was pregnant it was quite a shock. I knew that I would be bringing this child up alone and my hopes for a ‘better life’ seemed to have been shattered.

Despite the ‘Oh Shit’ moment, the idea of a tiny human growing inside me filled me with surprising wonder. I had an early scan at 8 weeks and saw what looked like a bean with a tiny heart beat. No arms or legs or anything just a blob. My blob. I fell in love at that moment. I know this is not everyone’s experience and I am certainly in no position to judge but I was blessed to have had such a strong bond from the beginning. Termination was simply not an option in my mind, so I considered this an ‘Eastenders style’ plot twist.

16 years later I can honestly say that my son is such a precious gift. Life was hard, I won’t lie but I kept moving forward. The University of life taught me some valuable lessons and eventually I did pursue higher education. I look back and see where I’ve come from and what a great future lies ahead.

This piece of art is not what some would assume to be a publicity stunt or shock tactics. Its my treasure, my story, my gold. Priceless not overpriced!

I made a large canvas and painted a heart upon it, then cut the canvas into tiny pieces and arranged them around the resin encapsulated pregnancy test. I embellished it with gold and iridescent pigments and poured out the clear resin to coat and capture it forever. The word survivor is engraved on a piece of metal in the centre. We are more than survivors we are blessed and the future is, as it always was, bright.

My Greatest Creation Display Case Crop.jpg
My Greatest Creation Close Up .jpg
My Greatest Creation. Wall.jpg

Origin Story- Tearful Treasures

What happened in 2018 that made me drop everything to pursue an Art Career?

Between 2017-2018 I was hospitalised with sepsis following the breakdown of my marriage. I felt like my whole world had coming crashing down around me. Thankfully I had some good friends around to help me back on my feet. Once fully recovered physically, I had a renewed appreciation of life and Art became my therapy. It helped me process the pain and rediscover who I was. I made my first public collection entitled ‘The Fragile Heart Series ‘, in the summer of 2018 which debuted at Art Fair East and was later exhibited at The Brick Lane Gallery in London. The collection was created from the depths of despair, but it took me on a journey towards healing and wholeness. Kintsugi philosophy became my reality.


I realised that true treasure was never academic success, marital status or material wealth. I had everything I needed, and I wanted to bring that message to other people. True treasure (to me) was a small shell collected on the beach, token reminders of precious moments and the simple beauty that is all around. I created a piece entitled ‘Treasure is all Around’ which was later sold at the Fine City, Fine Art Auction in Norwich Cathedral Grounds. I discovered ‘collateral beauty’. We all face a pivotal moment, at some point, when we re-evaluate our priorities and begin a journey of self-discovery. As I continue to move forward, my hope is to make beautiful works of art that inspire and uplift; created with understanding and insight. I am working hard and living my life fully. My kintsugi heart has been repaired with gold and I am ready to take on the world. ‘There are plenty more shoes in the shop’.


Cinderhannah/Hannah Aria

The remaining pieces of The Fragile Heart Series will be displayed at The Prettys Biannual Art Exhibition, Ipswich from 7th November 2019- 14th April 2020 and are available to purchase.

The remaining pieces of The Fragile Heart Series will be displayed at The Prettys Biannual Art Exhibition, Ipswich from 7th November 2019- 14th April 2020 and are available to purchase.

Recent Article on Linked In- The Person in the Arena: Artist Emergence

For those of you who don't know me, I'm a quirky, conceptual, mixed media Artist from England and have great taste in shoes!

This year has taken me on such a whirlwind of a journey and it is fair to say that ‘we’re not in Kansas anymore’. I followed the metaphorical yellow brick road with actual ruby slippers in 'toe' and met some fabulous characters along the way. I've exhibited at an international Art Fair, participated in an Abstract show at Londons’ Brick Lane Gallery, been a Featured Artist in Suffolk Open Studios (I didn’t have a studio) and have taken a celebrity (model) whale on an artistic photographic adventure that may have involved public crucifixion...of said whale.

(Jane Stewart’s Whale @jeffthehumpback)

I have learnt so much about making my dreams a reality. My dreams are not to be rich and famous (although a substantial shoe fund would be nice). This year has shown me that following your dreams is actually about daring greatly at the risk of failure. Trying when you do not know the outcome but living life fully; with no regrets. Brene Brown has written some excellent books on the subject. She highlights Theodore Roosevelt’s speech, ‘Citizenship in the Republic’, also referred to as ‘The Man in the Arena’, April 23rd 1910.

‘It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails whilst daring greatly, so his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.’ Theodore Roosevelt.

I am daring greatly, i am failing forward and achieving great things along the way. Never measure an Artist by how many paintings they sold this week. Look to the depth of their character and the fullness of their life (I will permit admiration of excellent shoe choice, however). I am now picturing the man in the arena in gold Cinderella shoes...Why the hell not?!! If you would like to follow my creative journey please check out my website.

Hannah Aria- First of her name.

50% Comedian 50% Philosopher 0% Conformist.
