Spoken Word/ Live Art Performance Development

Fugly R&D: Live Art Performance:

The Queen of Distraction: Hannah Aria 2020

The Queen of distraction,

‘Scatty’…that’s me.

Creative chaos,

like Dory at sea.

I flit between states of light-hearted laughter,

to contemplating philosophy and impending disaster.

The Queen of distraction,

‘Scatty’…that’s me.

Creative chaos,

like Dory at sea.

The emotional roller-coaster,

I board each day,

spontaneously takes me,

this and that way.

The Queen of distraction,

‘Scatty’…that’s me.

Creative chaos,

like Dory at sea.

Misunderstood as ‘self-indulgent’,

the sting of that phrase, practically pungent.

If only they knew the battles I face,

to get up each morning and walk life’s race.

The Queen of distraction,

‘Scatty’…that’s me.

Creative chaos,

like Dory at sea.

All or nothing.

No middle ground.

Zero to sixty, ideas abound.

‘Consistency’, I strive to achieve!

Onlooking scoffers would hardly believe.

My Ferrari brain with bicycle breaks,

crashes and burns. ‘She’s such a flake’.

The Queen of distraction,

‘Scatty’…that’s me.

Creative chaos,

like Dory at sea.

The need for a team, to fill in the gaps,

to establish our skills and cover the cracks.

If the world embraced our spectrum of gifts;

Neurodiversity would become

a treasure that lifts?

The Queen of distraction,

‘Scatty’…that’s me.

Creative chaos,

like Dory at sea.

So let us share our stories

and gain understanding,

form new ways to work;

launch-pads and safe landings.

Gather the clans and enlighten one another;

forming one tribe as sister and brother.

The Queen of distraction,

‘Scatty’…that’s me.

Creative chaos,

like Dory at sea.

From socially awkward to socially understood;

education and empathy forge what is good.

What was I saying again?


ADHMe: Hannah Aria Queen of distraction: Soon to be recorded as a performance piece (digital content).